Where can I find my nearest Takko store?
You can enter your postcode in the Takko store finder to find a store near you.
Where can I find the opening hours for my Takko store?
The opening hours for every Takko store are included in the Takko store finder. Simply enter your town or postcode to find your store and see when it is open.
Can I phone a Takko store directly?
Please understand that our stores are not available by phone. Our store teams want to be there for the customers in store and should not answer external calls. However, our customer service team is always available for you.
Which methods of payment are accepted in store?
You can pay in cash, by EC card, credit card (in selected stores), or with vouchers.
Can I return items that I bought?
You have bought something that does not fit or that you don't like? You can return all items within one month from your purchase to any Takko store if you have your receipt for the items.
What should I do if an item is damaged?
In the unlikely case that a product does not live up to our high quality standards at Takko, you can naturally return it to us within the statutory period of 24 months. That also applies to sale items. You will receive the original price you paid if you have the receipt with you; without a receipt, you will still reimbursed the current price of the item.
How does Takko control the quality of its products?
We want you to have high quality fashion at an affordable price. That is why we have set ourselves strict quality standards: Before any item hits our stores, we will check the quality of the material, fabric, cut, and fit.
Where can I buy Takko gift vouchers?
You can get our gift vouchers in any one of our many stores. By the way: The recipient of your gift has three full years to use the voucher.
What can I do if I have any questions that are not covered here?
What can I do if I have any questions that are not covered here?
If you have any more questions, simply contact a member of our customer service team.